Tuesday, September 8, 2009


okeeeeey i'll tell about my self
my name is Mirza Taufany Soekandar , i was born in jakarta on 11th septemberr 1996 :)
my weight is 43kg and my height is 149cm , wooouuuww im too shoort righhtt ? haha :D but i'm really confidenceeeee lohhh :p :p
noww , im in juniorr high schoooll in grade 8 heeemm :)
i've one boyfieeeee his name is SATRIA BAYU ADJI we started our relationship at 28th august of 2008 , we've been togetherrr forrr a yeaarrr , for me it jusst like a dreaaammm , he makess me wondeerrrr ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
he makes me can't go with another boooy idk why , he's the best for me !!